Hi my name is Kody Shelynne Phillips. I am excited to represent you as the KJRA 2023-2024 rodeo princess! It is such an honor to carry the American flag that represents our country and our freedom!

I am 10 years old and in the 5th grade. I love the sport of rodeo and horses in general! I have ridden horses since I was a baby and enjoy everything about them. I also love people and getting to know everyone! It is so important that we take time to know and support eachother.

As your 2023-2024 princess, I will support and cheer you all on! My advice is to take each day with gratitude and focus on all of the positive things, keep God first and strive to always work hard and be kind! I am excited about this season and pray for us to all have a safe and amazing year!

​Love, Kody

​Hey there! My name is Gabby Brasher. I am 11 years old and a sixth grade student from White Plains, Ky. I am so excited to be your KJRA 2023-2024 Rodeo Queen. Horses have always been a huge part of my life and from the time I was big enough to talk I’ve always wanted to do rodeo. I remember being a kindergartner and when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up my answer was “I want to be a rodeo queen”. Having the opportunity to do rodeo and be your rodeo queen is a dream come true. It is such an honor to have the opportunity to carry our nations flag that represents this amazing country that we all get to call home.

We are going to have such a fun, exciting year, and I can’t wait to be there to cheer everyone on. It is my hope that we can all create lifelong friendships and make memories that will last a lifetime. I have set new goals for the upcoming season, and I hope you have too. I can’t wait to see you guys. Work hard, train hard, and lets start this season off right. I’ll see you guys soon. Love, Gabby

 Kentucky Junior Rodeo Queen


Kentucky Junior Rodeo Association

Kentucky Junior Rodeo Princess
